
Journal Critique: The Good Wife's Guide Essay

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Life in the fifties, we can say, is different than what life has turned into today. Most couples got married in their early twenties, had children and “lived happily ever after”. The men went out and worked (the instrumental role), their salary usually covered the household expenses. The women stayed home (the expressive role), raised the children and took care of the house. Life was very simple. As time went on, the roles of the household began to shift with more and more women were entering the workforce. (Kunz 5-19) The three articles discussed present the differences and surprisingly similarities of past and present households. In May 1955, Housekeeping Monthly published an article titled The Good Wife’s Guide. This article …show more content…

Although the author portrays the married woman as having the sole purpose of pleasing her husband, this guide is aided to help her succeed at this task. In contrasting The Good Wife’s Guide, as more and more women enter the workforce, an article published by the New York Times in 2009, As Layoffs Surge, Women May Pass Men in Job Force show statistics with women holding about 49 percent of the nations jobs yet, “women earn only eight cents for each dollar of their male counterparts’ income” (Rampell). More women are taking on the title of “ the breadwinner” and much more responsibilities than just cooking and cleaning. However, what is most interesting in the article is a statement about employed women still devoting more time to children and the home than employed men. (Rampell) The author of, As Layoffs…, Catherine Rampell, bases her arguments on facts. She mentions statistics well throughout the article as well as economists point of view. She interviews people who have been struck by the recession and gets real life points of view.
The final article, Golden Anniversary Reflections: Changes in Marriage After Fifty Years goes into detail about the shifts of household roles, the laws pertaining to marriage and many new trends emerging to the discussion of marriage. The author, Ann Laquer Estin, tells us about family and marriage law and how different they were just fifty years ago. A statement in the

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