The past few weeks have been full of surprises! It turns out I had malaria. I couldn't walk a single step, and I would gag at the smell of food. I was kept at a rich family's plantation named the Jackmans. They had plenty of slaves and the father of the family was a rebel. One day he came over and spoke to me about how the Confederate soldiers were going to get repeating rifles. They were just like Lieutenants Orff’s gun! If the rebels were to get these dangerous guns the war would last at least another five years! I was surprised at how the Jackmans treated their slaves. They were so nice to them that I felt bad for taking them away as a Union soldier. Heifer then came to the Jackmans to pick me up to go back to camp. While I was at camp, I had the …show more content…
Little does he know that I'm not a rebel, but I still loved him. The rebels succeed and took all the clothes and boots that they needed. A few weeks later Watie stole a Union train that carried supplies worth $1,500,000. I was then awakened one day and told that I had to leave with Colonial Thompson to get some weapons. The weapons were being sold by a Union soldier! It was Captain Clardy! Goosebumps ran down my whole entire body. This devil was betraying the Union! Captain Clardy was selling rifles to the rebels for gold! I couldn't believe my eyes! I had tried to cover my face so Captain clardy doesn't recognize me. I was flabbergasted! As I got back to Boggy Depot, I immediately planned an escape. I would steal a horse and leave. I didn't really want to go because I was having fun here, but I had to tell Blunt about Captain Clardy. I passed by a lobby and noticed that couples were waltzing to music. The seemed like the happiest people I had ever seen. All of a sudden a girl said, “Excuse me.” Her voice was soft and when I saw her she was very pretty. She was with a blonde man. I took a second look at her. My heart skipped a beat. It was
“Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier” is a memoir written by Jakob Walter. Jakob Walter was a German soldier in Napoleon’s Grand Army. Although many soldiers have released and published memoirs describing their war experiences, Walter sets himself aside by how unique his is. Instead of using emotions to play into his story, he gives readers a day-to-day insight into the war life. A foot soldier is a soldier who fights on foot, also known as an infantryman. Walter was enlisted on three occasions. The first one being in 1806 when he was conscripted with his brother in the regiment of Romig. They were both active duty residing
During the years 1800 to 1815 Napoleon Bonaparte was preparing a large army. His goal was to spread the idea of the French Revolution and ultimately expanded France's bountiful pride and glory. The way this was going to happen, according to Napoleon, was through expanding French territory. In order to do this he would need a large army, so that involved enlisting men by conscription. The army was filled with French men, as well as men from Germany and other surrounding areas. The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier looks first hand look at the life of an average soldier at the time, Jakob Walter. He was a nineteen year old german boy enlisted by conscription and assigned to regiment Romig, later known as Franquemont Regiment. In somewhat of
I don’t know what i’m thinking. What I want to do is very dangerous and could get me killed. I’m a three month pregnant girl who wants to keep my child but jewish children are being round up by the nazis and sent to “children camps” to be trained and re-educated, I have no idea what to do so I tell my best friend, Lena, she tells me to tell Siegfried. The only thing about that is that i'm scared for his reaction, he is a nazi soldier who is by law not supposed to be fraternizing with me, however I promised myself that when he comes back from his delivery detail I will tell him. Siegfried then comes back and I tell him that I am pregnant, he tells me that everything will be ok and that we will take things day by day. I believe him when he tells
Many slaves on the plantation had been drafted by the confederates to fight everyone of them have not been heard from since. One day nathaniel came by to talk to me when I was picking cotton when he announced that he had just been drafted to fight. I had never seen Nathaniel in so much despair. He was was so sad because he had to fight against his own freedom.”
As you know I am writing to you from the trenches of the western front in France. The United States of America joined this heinous war in the spring of nineteen hundred seventeen. We joined the fight because of the sinking of the Lusitania and when the German Kiaser sent the note to Mexico to convince them to put themselves against us to assure we will not go to war in Europe. That did not go through because the economic condition of Mexico is not that good enough to fight in a war with the United States.
Nowadays, cross-cultural communication is one of the keys to survive in this society. It plays an important role in our society. The book, A long way gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier, describes several cross cultural issues. This book is based on the true story of Ishamel Beah, who was solder in Republic of Sierra Leone. During his life time, he face a number of cultural shocks and tried to adapt each situation. Through story of his life, we can recognize some cultural differences and similarities between his central culture, Sierra Leon, and other individuals/groups. Thus, in this essay, I would like to discuss how are cultural differences and similarities between Ishamel’s culture and other cultures revealed. There are three main points; cultural differences shows cultural conflict and cultural integration, and cultural similarities reflects the Americanization.
Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 to Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Cunningham Finch Lee. Her father, a former newspaper editor and proprietor, was a lawyer who also served in the state legislature. Lee grew up in the small southwestern town of Monroeville, Alabama. As a child, Lee was a tomboy and an intelligent reader; she enjoyed the friendship of her schoolmate, Truman Capote.
It is March first, I miss you so much it is unbearable. Sleeping can be awful out here in the trenches only because I want to be home in a comfy bed again safe and sound where war isn’t the only thing on my mind. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can’t breathe because I dream someone has invaded our trenches and shot me. It isn’t easy being out here but if it means fighting for you then it is what I will do.
I figured that the Confederate soldiers would take Cush to the Appomattox to lock him up. I heard of the Appomattox, but I didn’t know anything about it. Just in case I ran into Federals, I put my Union jacket in the back of the wagon. After that, I steer the mules to the Appomattox. In the distance, you can hear cannons firing and rifles shooting away. A half hour into my drive, I hear horses and shouts behind me. Right away, I direct the mules into the grass, and along the edge of the road. I hide behind the wagon as I watch Yankees gallop by on their horses. When the Yankees clear out, I bring the mules back up and continue my journey. Soon, I find bodies with clothes on them. I only find one pair of regular clothes, which I change into, but I can’t find a pair
“The Things They Carried” is a story based on the soldiers’ experiences in the Vietnam War and their experiences after the war. The story begins with a character named Jimmy Cross, who is the Lieutenant of the Alpha Company. Jimmy Cross carries letters from a girl named Martha, who he dated before he joined the army. He also carries her good luck pebble in his mouth. The narrator later describes items the other soldiers in the Company are carrying. Some of the items were insect repellant, knives, and chewing gum. The items the soldiers had carried were based on their priorities. For instance, Henry Dobbins carried his girlfriend panty hose since he was superstitious. Ted Lavender carried tranquilizer pills to keep himself calm and Kiowa carried the New Testament to show his religious beliefs. The items that they carried were also based by their rank and what they specialized in. For example, Lieutenant Cross carried maps and the lives of the soldiers, due to his rank. Rat Kiley carried supplies for serious wounds, malaria tablets, and morphine since he was the medic.
Up until 1788 when Europeans first landed and settled in Australia, aboriginals followed their own traditional laws so there was no federal vote. But when the Europeans had settled they did not allow for the aboriginal peoples to vote.
As a young man in World War II, Jean Eugene Havel not only faced family challenges but also witnessed Nazi violence and social struggles.
In Ernest Hemingway’s short story, “Soldier’s Home”, a young man named Krebs is unable to relate to his mother and home life after he returned from the First World War. After Krebs saw death and destruction in the wars most bloody battles, he returns home where his parents try to get him back to his normal routines. His view of the world has changed drastically since the war. He no longer feels love in his heart and cannot lie to his mother when she asks if he loves her. One of the famous lines Hemingway wrote, “Krebs looked at the bacon fat hardening on his plate.” Like bacon his heart has been hardened by what he had seen in World War I and he knew he must get far away from his parents to be able to get his life back
Your key challenge in a leadership position is taking care of the Soldiers entrusted to your care. Soldiers are our nation’s most important military asset. The Leader who sends the message that Soldiers don’t really matter will generally not be as successful in the long-run as the Leader who is genuinely serious about taking care of his/her Soldiers.
We are in the Army now. I am sitting inside our little old tent listening to the gentle patter of the raindrops on the canvas. It began raining here this morning and it is still at it. No drill today, so I will have time to write a letter or two. We got into the city all O.K., marched up to the armory and had dinner. They have mess in the armory. We have to march back and forth to eat. Eats are pretty good so far as they have some women helping with the cooking.