
Jourody Journey of Life in Homer's Odyssey Essay

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Journey of Life in The Odyssey

In the ultimate story of love and hate one man was torn between two lives as he watched the shores of the mighty world get swept away in a swift act of fate. With only destiny on his side to return home, he pushed on and tried to leave the life he had lived for so long. In order to achieve his destiny Odysseus had to first achieve loyalty, overcome temptation, and take revenge upon his enemies. Plagued by constant attacks of self-doubt and reinforced by guile, Odysseus conquered what became to be known as a one of the greatest odyssey’s ever written.

Love is a strong bond that is shared between two people. In The Odyssey not even time and war could separate the bond that Odysseus and Penelope …show more content…

This is not a only a show of love on Odysseus' part for his wife but is also a show of love on Calypso's part because she loves him so much that she is willing to do what is in the best interest of Odysseys, even if it means letting him go.

Staying loyal to Odysseus was one of the hardest things Penelope ever did, but it was because of the love that they shared that she did. When suitors came to offer her gifts in return for marriage, she refused with a single shred of hope that her husband would return home and once again regain his estate and life. The reward for her loyalty is finally paid when she finally reunites with her long-lost husband. The happiness and love that is shared is shown in this quotation,

"So she spoke, and stirred still more his yearning after tears; and he began to weep, holding his loved and faithful wife. As when the welcome land appears to swimmers, whose sturdy ship Poseidon wrecked confounded by the winds and solid waters; a few escape the foaming sea and swim ashore; thick salt crusts their flesh; they climb the welcomed land, and are escaped from danger; so welcome to her grazing eyes appeared her husband. From round his neck she never let her white arm go"(226).

It takes a great man to have a wife that will wait so long for him. Not only does this quotation show that Odysseus has achieved loyalty but it also

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