
Julie Holt Research Paper

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The Principal’s Philosophy
I interviewed Julie Holt, Principal of Monticello Elementary School (MES). MES has 16 teachers, and 247 kids grades K-6. The school classified employees include: 4 kitchen staff, 2 custodians, 5 reading and math interventionist support, 1 library media teacher, 2 computer teachers, and 2 office assistants. Six of the sixteen teachers has less than ten years’ experience.
A. Role of Instructional Leader: According to Holt, the instructional leader is a huge component as a leader in the school because you have to understand the curriculum, how to help teachers implement the curriculum, and be hands on with your teachers to be effective. Some principals are held back simply because they lack the understanding of the curriculum, …show more content…

Relationship to Teacher-Proof Curriculum: Holt believes teachers need to have some say in their curriculum including what they teach, “if they don’t buy-in, and you shove it down their throat, it’s not successful (May 4, 2017).” The teachers that have buy-in, and understand why the school chose the curriculum they did generally don’t have problems and they run with it. Holt doesn’t expect teachers to have a script and teach exactly how the curriculum is written, but interject their own personality. Students learn best, when the teacher adapts the curriculum to fit their personality, is flexible, and willing to give to reach schoolwide growth. Holt said that if you have open discussions with your people, they are more likely to be onboard in developing lessons to improve. If a teacher knows what their teaching, and they feel comfortable because they have the resources, and they feel like they can make it their own, without going out on a limb to where they are not following any curriculum, they will be successful. “When teachers are provided a base curriculum, then add their own flavor to it, they want to use it (May 4, 2017).” It's critical for a teacher to adapt the curriculum when the students are below grade level in order to create opportunities for student success. Holt attributes their success to the built in Tier 2 and 3 intervention into the regular class schedule. Students don’t even know if they are getting retaught or pre taught because the interventions are …show more content…

Impact of Interview on Instructional Leadership Style: After interviewing Holt, I realize I have a long way to go to be where she is in regards to instructional leadership at an elementary school level. Most of my background is secondary, and it’s a whole different ball game at the secondary level. However, the principles are the same. Administrators need to know what is going on in the classrooms and that happens by jumping in and working alongside your colleagues. The instructional leader of the school should not require anything the leader is not willing to do themselves. I need to be in the classrooms demonstrating appropriate instructional strategies. “You can’t lead where you won’t go!” I believe the leader must state expectations explicitly including, working together as a team, share my “craft knowledge” with colleagues, and help my teachers any way I can. If I can build trust, be generous and helpful as the instructional leader with teachers, then that enrichment will carryover into relationships between teachers and students, and students and students. I like Holts attention to detail in having her teachers sit down with each child before SAGE testing to discuss the data specific to the child, it gives the child direction and purpose enabling them to be successful on

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