
Essay on Justice and Injustice in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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Justice and Injustice in The Crucible by Arthur Miller In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, justice and injustice is portrayed through the characters of John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams. It is also shown through the minor characters of Mary Warren and Mercy Lewis, followers of Abigail Williams, and through Danforth and various townspeople. After Abigail Williams and the girls are discovered dancing in the forest by Reverend Parris, there are rumours of witchcraft among them, when Betty Parris and Ruth Putnam are found "witched". Once the girls discover this, they become more and more frightened of being accused of witchcraft. Abigail is the first to "admit" to seeing the devil, and all the other girls join in, so …show more content…

Walcott claimed that after buying a pig from Corey, it died soon after that and "from that day to this he cannot keep a pig alive for more than four weeks." Giles Corey, Martha Corey's husband, was later killed for a different reason. He refused to give the name of a man who heard Putnam say he was "killing his neighbours for their land." Giles Corey died an unjust death, great stones placed on his chest, pressing him slowly to death. Any outrageous claims were taken in by the courts, and everyone had a reason to accuse another, resulting in many innocent deaths. The main accuser, Abigail Williams, had an ulterior motive to destroy Elizabeth Proctor. Beforehand, Abigail had an affair with Elizabeth's husband, John Proctor, and Abigail believed if she removed Elizabeth, she would have John to herself. Most of Abigail's allegations were based on false claims, believing the relationship between her and John Proctor to be true love. Because of Abigail's twisted plot of sticking a needle in herself to signify Elizabeth's "familiar spirit" pushing it in, and Cheever finding a poppet in the Proctor's house, Elizabeth is charged with murder. Proctor realises what Abigail is trying to do, and feels remorse, as he is partly at fault for his relationship with Abigail. "I'll not give my wife to vengeance." At the trial, Proctor no longer tried to protect himself and admits to having an affair with Abigail, explains

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