
Juxtaposition King Lear

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Essay Question: Alexander Pope has said that King Lear is a play that centre around opposition and juxtaposition. Discuss with reference to symbolism, metaphor, motif, plot or character whether you believe the statement is accurate.

King Lear is about the tragic events and the conflicts between fathers and their children. In the play King Lear written by William Shakespeare has many motifs and symbolism throughout the play. Alexander Pope was an English poet who had said King Lear is a play centered around opposition and juxtaposition. Although there is a parallel story between King Lear and Gloucester, the motifs and symbolism in this play contrasts from one another in different ways. I believe what Alexander Pope has said was quite accurate because of the motifs and symbolism that affects one another with a juxtaposition affect.
Many of the motifs and symbolism in the play are opposites from one another. One of the motifs that happens frequently throughout the play was loyalty and betrayal. In the play Lear has three daughters named Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. This happened in the beginning of the play where King Lear wanted to retire and give bigger portions of his land based on the daughter who loved him most. Goneril and Regan praised their love for Lear but Cordelia refused to do so. In Act 1 Scene 1 (Li 101-102), Cordelia says “...I love your Majesty, according to my bond no more no less.” This indicates that although Cordelia loves Lear very dearly she refused to lie to get land from her father. Unlike her sisters who have boasted about their love for Lear who they don’t love him to that extent and lies. It seems as if Cordelia is the sign of betrayal but Cordelia is actually a sign of loyalty because she refuses to love her father in such a way of getting inheritance where Cordelia wants to love her father in a genuine way. She represents loyalty and honesty to her father in this part of the play. While Goneril and Regan represents the lies and foreshadows the sign of betrayal. These two signs are opposites from one another and it creates a juxtaposition affect. Not only does this part of the play represent betrayal, loyalty, lies and honesty but it also has a sign of sight. The reason is because

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