
Kant And Kant 's View On Life And Most

Decent Essays

“If you do what you need ,your surviving. If you do what you want, your living”. Philosophers Mill and Kant both share similarities and differences on their view on life and most of all on the meaning of a “good life. Mill bases morality on the principle of utility which states , that “ actions or behaviors are right in so far as they promote happiness or pleasure , wrong as they tend to produce unhappiness or pain”. While Kant bases morality on the categorical imperative which is, “an unconditional moral obligation that is blinding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person’s inclination or purpose”. Mill and Kant both join in their proposed first rule of profound quality a sort of all inclusiveness, for Kant’s situation that of confining one’s standards of activity to people who it can serve to be a widespread law of nature, for Mill’s situation considering the outcomes of a sort of activity for all people. Both perceive transitional good guidelines , called by Kant “obligations” and by Mill “subordinate standards”. Accordingly the 2 philosophers have a 2 step origination of moral thought. A “basic level” that offered moderate good standards against the first guideline of profound quality and a performance stage that allows for settles on a choice in a specific case on the premise of the important good principles. The obligations to others perceived by Kant relate to the subordinate standards perceived by

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