
Research Paper On Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Satisfactory Essays

Kareem Abdul Jabbar

In April 16,1947 a famous basketball player was born. His name was kareem abdul jabbar. He was born in New York city. He decided to play basketball. He had a wife named Pam Grier. They had 5 kids 3 sons and 2 daughters.

He started to play basketball in high school. He was the number one pick for nba lakers. He retired in 1996. He played for a long time. He also started out young to.

Kareem was inspired by being diagnosed with leukemia. Leukemia is a type of blood cancer. He pushed really hard to play. What made him so famous was that he had the longest ball strike in history. He was the number one pick for nba.

Some of the challenges that he had was blood cancer. He also had a hard time getting into college. Winning

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