
Kate Chopin Emotions

Decent Essays

In the short story “The story of an Hour,” by Kate Chopin, set in the early 1900s, a woman was told that her husband had died in a train accident. Because of his death, the main character’s emotions fluctuate from the following emotions: grief, joy, and independency. Chopin asserts that a women should have the same freedoms as men do. Throughout the story, Chopin characterizes one of Mrs. Mallard’s emotions as being independent, however, this does not occur until she locked herself in her room to “mourn” her husband’s death. Josephine, her sister, begs her to open the door, “that she will make herself ill.” In contrast to Josephine, Chopin expresses that Mrs. Mallard is feeling more alive than ever by stating “... she was drinking in a very

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