
Kate Daley Friends With Benefits Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Option C
Author Kate Dailey in her article “Friends with Benefits: Do Facebook Friends Provide the Same Support as Those in Real Life?” argues that Facebook is merely a tool that can help supplement a life and is not the replacement for true friends.
a. Hook; author/title Kate Dailey author of “Friends with Benefits: Do Facebook Friends Provide the Same Support as Those in Real Life?”
b. summary thesis: article’s main idea The author explores her belief on the use of Facebook and how it can be helpful to be a better friend. She has several scholarly sources including a professor of sociology and a professor of psychology. But the author does not only use scholarly sources she also uses an informal poll among her Facebook friends and uses their opinions in the article as …show more content…

a. Analysis of author’s background and intended audience Author Kate Dailey has a background with writing for several magazines including Vox, BBC, and Men’s Health. She writes for a magazine that is striving to write for a "single worldwide edition targeted for a highly mobile, opinion-leading audience who want to learn about world events in a sophisticated context" (Sweney).
b. Analysis of article’s structure and clarity
c. Analysis of article’s tone and language The author writes in a lighthearted manner that makes her article easy to read. However, she is slightly biased in tone pretty much only using sources that support her argument but manages to avoid coming off as if she is preaching to the reader.
d. Analysis of article’s use of evidence and reason - Author uses several scholarly sources a professor of sociology, professor of psychology, associate professor of political science to help her make her point. She appeals to the reader’s reason by showing how Facebook can be helpful to spread news whether good or bad and shows how it can be helpful to keep in touch with friends from the past by using the example of an acquaintance from her college days named “Sue”.

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