
Key Themes Of Redemption In The Kite Runner By Khalen Hasseini

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In the novel “The Kite Runner” by Khalen Hasseini, one conflict that helps portray the key theme of redemption is Amir’s internal conflict due to the experiences he has had throughout his life. The key theme of redemption is understood by Amir’s experiences which include; his mother dying when giving birth to him, the rape of Hassan, moving to america, and the death of Hassan. Amir’s internal conflict is powered by his experiences. One experience that provoked Amir’s internal conflict is his mother dying at his birth. Amir feels responsible for the death of his mother because he knows that if it was not for him, she would still be alive. Amir’s father, Baba, always says to him “it’s not your fault” but Amir knows that he is the reason for his mother’s death. Amir feels that he needs to make it up to Baba for killing his wife and se he wins the local kite fighting tournament in Kabul. Bringing home the last cut kite impresses Baba and Amir feels as if he has redeemed himself for causing the death of his mother. This experience makes him feel guilty and, with this guilt travelling with his all his life, he knows he must redeem himself. This causes an internal conflict for Amir which helps the reader to understand the key theme of redemption. Another experience that caused Amir’s internal conflict is the rape of Hassan. When Amir wins the kite fighting tournament, Hassan runs for the last cut kite and yells to Amir “for you a thousand times over!” In doing this, Hassan comes across Assef who is also trying to receive the last kite. Hassan refuses to give up the kite because he is loyal to Amir. This is when Amir turns up to witness Hassan getting raped by Assef. Amir makes the decision to run away because he was not strong enough to step in and save Hassan. This decision causes Amir to become something that his father fears: “a boy who won’t stand up for himself, becomes a man who won’t stand up for anything.” With this lingering in his mind, it brews up an internal conflict that Amir then knows he must do something about. He must redeem himself for his actions as a child. With Amir’s internal conflict about the rape of Hassan and the decision he made, it helps the reader understand the key theme of redemption.

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