
Keystone Xl Pipeline Vs. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Essay

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Environmental Justice Case study: Keystone XL Pipeline vs. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Throughout this paper I will try to prove that the proposed establishment of the Keystone XL Pipeline is a direct infringement upon the human rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North and South Dakota. In order to make this claim I shall directly address three elements: First, the evidence of possible inequality of this situation, secondly the explanatory progress of how and why this situation has come to be as it is, and finally the justice of how things ought to be (Walker, 2012). Pipeline Injustice
The origination of this case study begins on one brisk morning back on the 19th of September in 2008 when TransCanada first submitted their application to the U.S. State Department to build the Keystone XL pipeline. The Canadian based energy infrastructure company proposed a 1,179-mile, 36-inch diameter pipeline that would transport crude oil from Canada, through Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Along with transporting oil from producers in Texas, Oklahoma, Montana and North Dakota (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Map of projected Keystone XL pipeline (TransCanada).
TransCanada primarily focused on the expansion of our economic reach in the world as well as the economic stimulus that would be generated and directly fed back to our own country. However, the company shied away from acknowledging the relationship that many theories have confirmed exists between economic growth

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