
King Cobra Research Paper

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CONTROLLING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE High blood pressure is also controlled by snake venom. The venom of Pit Viper consists of the component known as ACE inhibiter. This ACE inhibiter is proved to enlarge the narrowed blood vessels so that the flow of blood gets smooth. This ACE inhibiter is isolated from the Viper's venom and is injected for treating high blood pressure around the world. The smooth flow of blood reduces the chance of blood clots, heart attacks and brain strokes.
It is very difficult to think of the dreadful, fatal snake and consider it as helpful in making cure for our heart or brain maladies but once we study the information of the venom, we get to know about our own body functions and ways to keep it fit.

CHAPTER 4 – …show more content…

Apart from that Hinduism consists of many stories and myths regarding cobras, its deadly bite, and hood on the head of a cobra, its swaying dance on the voice of the flute and similar things. On the basis of such thoughts, Cobra is called as King Cobra which signifies that it is the King of all snakes. The cobra is crowned by the royalty and nobility elements when it is usually discussed.
King cobra has maintained its position also on the basis of his comparatively longest length than other snakes. The panic, fear, and anxiety comes with King Cobra. The individuals that see it are enveloped by the apprehensive emotions but to our surprise cobras display the characteristics of the calm snake which hisses and slides away on its own way without disturbing anyone if not threatened in which case it will reveal its terrifying nature.
The medicines that were obtained from the different snakes possess some common characteristics among them. The snakes irrespective of their kind cannot tolerate extreme conditions of the climate and are affected by the changes in the temperature and atmosphere. The Naja Cobras are very frightened by the rains. SNAKE TYPE

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