
King Creon Core Values

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Money, anarchy, misogyny . All of these topics correlate to one person and one person only. This person is in fact, King Creon of Thebes from the 500 B.C. drama, Antigone created by Sophocles. These three words are parts of King Creon's core values. His core values consist of money being demoralizing, absolutely no anarchy, and men having superiority over women. Creon could always resort back to these in a time of crisis. Creon's core values had a strong influence on the choices that he made during the story, and they had both positive and negative repercussions. During the play Antigone, Creon stays true to his core values throughout the story. One of these core values is that he believes that money is demoralizing. He talks about this belief many times, including while speaking to the priest. Creon says “Money! There's nothing in the world so demoralizing as money. Down go your cities, homes gone, men gone, honest hearts corrupted. Crookedness of all kinds, and all for money!” This quote proves my claim because it shows Creon's view about money overtaking people's values. He believes that once you let money become your number one motive to do things, you become dishonest and crooked. He thinks it can ruin your home, and you can lose friends, like said in the part of the quote "Down go your cities, homes gone, men gone, honest hearts corrupted, crookedness of all kinds.". All of this can happen just because money is that important to some people. It can also

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