
King Hammurabi Research Paper

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King of Babylonia Born circa 1810 BC, King Hammurabi was the sixth ruler of the Amorite First Dynasty of Babylon. He ruled from 1792 until 1750 BC and accomplished many significant tasks. After taking the throne from his father, Sin-Muballit, he fought and conquered all of ancient Mesopotamia, expanding his beloved Kingdom. Hammurabi also strongly believed that the gods directed him to protect and bring order to his kingdom. Just like all of his other responsibilities, Hammurabi took it very seriously. Therefore, he went on and created his own laws, also known as The Code of Hammurabi. There were 282 laws that defined all aspects of life in the kingdom. They also were put in a public place so that everyone could see and learn them. However, if …show more content…

His son, Samsu-Iluna took over the throne in the King’s last years. At this time, conflict was rising and Hammurabi’s kingdom was falling. After his death, Samsu-Iluna was left to fight against forces and keep the kingdom alive, but it was no use. The kingdom of babylonia began to fall apart within only one year of Hammurabi’s death. Soon the Elamites invaded and even carried off the Code of Laws. This was seen as a huge disappointment because everything Hammurabi fought for and kept for many years, vanished in just a matter of time. In his time, Hammurabi was known as a ruler of Mesopotamia who united and governed the kingdom in the same way that Sargon the Great of Akkad had done before. However, Hammurabi differed because he did not have to re-conquer cities and land, but once they were under his ruling, he was only interested in improving the cities and giving the people the best lifestyles and conditions. In our time today, Hammurabi is known best for his law codes, and for how his codes were a standard base for future laws. The code of Hammurabi was later found in the city of Susa in 1902 CE. His legacy still remains today as a law and social justice

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