
King Thrushbeard

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To Be a Domestic Woman… "Grimm's Fairytales," although never intended to be in text form, are some of the most influential methods in teaching young children morals and to be productive citizens of society. While children enjoy the mere esthetics of fairytales and interpret them at their face value, s are aware of the didacticism hidden beneath the appealing plots and characters of the stories. Unlike s, children would not be able to extract any metaphorical meaning out of fairytales even if fairytales were intended to have distinct messages. For this very reason, fairytales have been studied along with a branch of child psychology to determine whether or not a message that is ual is actually retained in the subconscious of …show more content…

The experimentation that the princess experiences and the immediate lifestyle changes that take place have no transition period. She goes from being served and maintained to independent, poor and unkempt. This in a way can relate to someone who is pre- , like the princess, and immediately becomes a ual being without transition. This situation can also be related to non- issues. For example, while living in her father's palace she was well taken care of. After leaving with the beggar she was completely dependent upon herself to do what she had never had to do in her life. As pre- , she is also pre-domestic. It is interesting to note that not only is there no mother-figure in "King Thrushbeard," there is no female-figure of any kind. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to expect a without any female influence to know how to do womanly, domestic chores such as cooking, cleaning, sewing and the like. This teaches young s that they can learn domestic skills from any woman whether it is their mother or not. And, if for some reason there were no female influence like in this situation, it would be the father's responsibility to provide an atmosphere for his daughter that would help her develop into a normal domestic woman. What this does not teach is that s should

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