
Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The KKK, like many cults, are very similar to mainstream societies. However, the KKK’s views tend to collide with some of our social values/norms and they tend to disrupt the peace of our society. Consequently, their beliefs, rites, and rituals result in crime-filled and tragic endings. Therefore, the beliefs, rites, and rituals of the KKK are very controversial issues.
The Ku Klux Klan, or more commonly known as the KKK, is an American Hate Group that promotes the supremacy of the Christian Caucasian (white) ethnicity. They are recognized for using extreme torture and violence to tyrannize other minority races, especially African Americans. They added to racist attitudes by giving whites power and a sense of importance. The KK focuses …show more content…

This group is recognized internationally for its vicious and inhumane behaviour towards minority groups, such as the African Americans, Jewish, etc. To become a member of this group, a special oath was taken in the name of God in order to “maintain peace within society”- if you ask me that’s pretty ironic since the group pretty much did the opposite. The group members were dressed in white robes and a white pointed hat that included a full-faced cloth mask with eyeholes, this was worn to disguise the members’ identities. This KKK was filled with God fearing members that believed that the Lord would support anti- diversity, thus promoting discrimination. They like, most Christians, attended church every Sunday, prayed to the almighty Lord, and read the bible daily, yet they failed to acknowledge that the Lord supports a peaceful and diverse society. One of their rites was to burn a cross, this was called the “Light the Cross Ceremony”; this was done to signify that Christ is the Light of the World and that since Christ is the light, he draws away all darkness and evil, which at the time was believed to be the minority races. In the name of ridding the world of evil and darkness, the KKK deliberately destroyed the minority race’s property and followed lynching

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