
Labour Union Benefits

Decent Essays

Labor unions work to improve their members’ working conditions. These unions were created to stand up for the working people and fight for what is right. They fight for workers getting treated unfairly or even being discriminated. The first convention of The Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions met in 1881. The most famous labor union is the American Federation of Labor. We should thank labor unions for all that we have today. It is because of those hard-working people that we have work off on holidays, equal rights in the workforce and many other extra luxuries we get to this day.

There are so many ways that people could be discriminated against and therefore having working conditions that are worse compared to someone with the same skill level. Color, ethnicity, gender and even age are just a few examples of how people have been and still are discriminated against. Personally, since I am female, I am thankful that there are labor unions to stand up for us and are still working towards equality among genders in the workforce.

Labor unions also helped us get all the luxuries we have today. However, I do not know if I should call them luxuries since we should have always had our working condition this way. But to the workers before us that did not get what today’s workers get, these are luxuries. It …show more content…

I believe that this is because of labor unions. Without labor unions we would have no one to negotiate for us and stand up for what is right. There is no doubting the difference from before labor unions started compared to now. I asked a few people what they thought about labor unions and I received positive and negative answers. One person said, “They make people lazy.” So I did some research and thanks to labor unions marginal productivity in workers has actually increased. I appreciate labor unions because they helped our country grow and made a better environment for

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