
Lack Of Failure As A Parent

Decent Essays

Sophia’s main problem seems to be feelings of failure as a parent. She never thought that she would have a son who has been to jail four times at just the age of 24 and she did not anticipate that she would be stuck in the middle between her husband and her son. When asked what causes her a lot of stress in her life, she responded, “My son. I never thought that I would have a son who has been to jail so many times. Maybe I should have anticipated this and gotten help earlier. As a child, Nick was always getting in trouble by his principal. He almost got kicked out of Catholic school for stealing from his teacher when he was just in the seventh grade. I moved to Georgia because I thought that being out of a bad neighborhood like East New York would make him a better kid, but things have only gotten worse. I blame his father for this. Richard would come to see Nick maybe three times a year. He always said things like ‘I’m coming back to see you next week,’ but never came. That’s probably why Nick resents Devon. Devon is a good father and a good man. Nick wishes he had that from Rich.” While Nick has remained out of trouble for a couple of months, Sophia worries of the impact that his influence could have on her youngest son, Anthony. She describes Anthony as “a sweet boy,” but worries that he will look up to his older brother and look to him as a role model, which Nick is not. Sophia also worries about how her daughter would view her if she makes a career change. “Lately,

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