
Lady Macbeth Self Blame Analysis

Decent Essays

In Scene I of Act V in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth constantly washes her hands in her sleep because she tries to get rid of her hidden guilt and self-blame of Duncan’s murder. At first, Lady Macbeth thinks nothing of the murder, but as time goes on she starts to feel more guilty about the horrible deed she helped commit. Contrary to the play’s motif of night and darkness, Lady Macbeth has started to draw closer to light, and her servant notes that Lady Macbeth has told her to “[keep] light by her continually” (Shakespeare, V.1.24-25). However, Lady Macbeth does not completely show her self-blame to the rest of the world, because her only defining actions happen while she is still “in a most fast sleep” (V.1.8-9). This is a sign that

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