
Lady Macbeth's Flawed Character In The Play

Decent Essays

I definitely agree on Macbeth is a flawed character in the play. It is evident that Macbeth’s fatal flow of the play is expressed by his vaulting ambition which led to his downfall. Despite the influences of Lady Macbeth and the three witches, Macbeth is also responsible for his downfall. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is portrayed as a courageous and noble hero who is loyal to the King and his friend. As the play continues, Macbeth committed deeds that are not of his own inherent heroism and goodness. His own ambition, moral weak mindedness, selective perception and temptation turned him into a tyrant king who is willing to murder anyone who becomes a threat to himself.

Macbeth has always been presented as a trustworthy hero on the battlefield, whose fame wins’ great admiration from the king. However, he is a tragic hero whose private ambitions is overcoming his own nature. It is made clear to the audience through the foreshadowing of, “All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter”. This is an …show more content…

He writes a letter to his wife, Lady Macbeth, explaining the situation. Lady Macbeth encourages and manipulate Macbeth into murdering the King as it is the only opportunity to achieve their ambition. Lady Macbeth accuses him of not being a man and declared she would kill her baby in order to fulfil their desire. In Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy “this I have given suck, and know how tender tis’ to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out, had I sworn as you have done to”, shows her willingness and ruthless on eliminating anyone who stands in her way. She manipulates Macbeth to toughen up, be a man and erase any possible chance of him feeling guilt for committing the

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