
Lael Mattam

Decent Essays

Lael Mattam Mattam 1
T. Dachuck
ENG 1D7b
13 January 2016
Symbolic Role Played by Cosmic Imagery in Romeo and Juliet Cosmic imagery and allusions to stars have been used for centuries to describe divine and supernatural events on earth. In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, cosmic references are used to amplify the deep emotions of love Romeo and Juliet feel for each other. Vivid cosmic imagery intensifies emotions of love and hate, bringing the play to life. Cosmic references include the idea of fate written in the stars, Romeo and Juliet’s blossoming love revolving around stars and the ironic role played by celestial objects, leading …show more content…

Their abandonment of stars leads to their early demise as they attempted to control their own lives. Stars are known for their beauty and dazzling effect which is related to fate as well. This idea of fate enhances their love for each other and the cosmic imagery adds a beautiful touch.
Later, Romeo foreshadows his untimely demise in Act 1 when he claims “Some consequence yet hanging in the stars/ shall begin his fearful date.” (1.4.107-108). Romeo knows that it is fate who directs his sail, but his trust in the stars quickly diminishes throughout the play, although his frequent references to cosmic objects remain. They both believe in fate, but as trouble arises from their relationship, they lose hope and deny the stars as guides. Cosmic imagery is used by Romeo and Juliet to describe each other, adding a sense of unique intimacy to their love. But the stars never fated for them to be together for eternity, ruining their majestic love story. Throughout Romeo and Juliet’s flourishing relationship, celestial imagery is used when talking about each other and bringing out the pure love they have for one another. Through a combination of metaphors, personification, poetry, similes, and allusions, their emotions for each other are shown with celestial imagery being the center theme of their love. Romeo speaks delicately about Juliet’s eyes when he acclaims “Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,” (2.2.15) Romeo refers

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