
Lamb To The Slaughter Essay

Decent Essays

‘Lamb to the slaughter’ is generally used to describe a situation at which a person blindly enters without any knowledge of the danger, the same can be said for the characters in this short story. The story's title also works as a dark double entendre, which is a word or phrase used in a way which conveys two meanings of the ultimate outcomes. Dahl’s audience for his book would be a slightly older generation, maybe for people who have had trouble in past relationships, furthermore people who were cheated on and anyone who is interested in ironic humor could be a target audience for this story. Mary Maloney is the model 1950s housewife, dutiful to a fault and takes pleasure in providing for her husband with a relaxing and loving place to come home to. Roald Dahl makes references to Mary’s large, dark, calm eyes which indicates her harmless, domestic personality, he also referred to again when she persuaded the police officers to eat the leg of lamb, which helps the readers to discover how deceptive Mary’s appearance is. The one most striking thing about ‘Lamb to the Slighter’ is not Mary Maloney who gets away with murder, or that she fed the murder weapon to the police officers but her completely unexpected change in her meek, loving character which motivates her to kill her husband with a violent blow to the …show more content…

Nevertheless, Dahl works the values of lies into larger themes though his use of the use of the leg of lamb as a tool of death which reveals the concealed and sinister meanings that lie in the supposedly innocent object which is also a token of violence as the animal is traditionally viewed as meek and gentle is slaughtered for carnivorous consumption, Dahl as well as many modern day writers, twist their stories around the inconsequential everyday occurrences that unexpectedly take on the frightening aspects that reveal the danger and uncertainty in the modern day

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