
Lamb To The Slaughter Mary Maloney Essay

Decent Essays

It is cleverness that can delude even the most knowledgeable people, however, it does not cover up someone's misdeeds. In the suspenseful short story "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl, Mary Maloney puts up an act to cover up the murder which she had recently committed. Although, Mary Maloney seems to be a typical wife in the beginning of the short story, she then transfers into a rather vicious, cunning and valiant woman, leading her to be tremendously evil. First of all, Mary Maloney proves she is vicious as she lashes out and brutally murders her husband in rage notwithstanding of the numerous consequences. After realizing what she has done, she is quite surprised; " 'All right,' she tells herself, 'So I've killed him' " (Dahl 13). Here, Mary Maloney being a vicious woman becomes apparent, as Mary …show more content…

Furthermore, Mary Maloney's vicious trait leads her to make an immense mistake, for this reason she has to utilize her cleverness to seem innocent. Secondly, as Mary Maloney realizes the enormous blunder she has made, she proves she is cunning as she initiates a plan to eliminate the evidence which will prove her culpable. Mary Maloney commences her plan by visiting the grocery shop in which she acts like she is incognizant of the tragedy that occurred with her husband; "Patrick's decided he's tired and doesn't want to eat out tonight" (14), she says to the grocery shop owner. It starts to become abundantly clear that Mary Maloney is cunning as she makes up plausible stories of her whereabouts at the time of her husband's murder. Furthermore, as the police officers come in to investigate, she starts weeping and acts miserable, despite the fact she ferociously murdered her own husband. Mary Maloney comprehensively executes a plan which leads the police officers thinking it is absurd that she committed the

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