
Lamb To The Slaughter: Television Episode Vs. Short Story

Decent Essays

“Lamb to the slaughter”
Television Episode Vs. Short Story

There are a several major differences between Roald Dahl’s short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” and the television adaption by Alfred Hitchcock. One key difference is that in the short story, Mary Maloney’s thoughts and feelings are distinctly expressed, but it is not the same in the television episode. For example as a murderer, in the story, Mrs. Maloney’s feelings are openly posed of how she did not really mean killing her husband. Likewise, her thoughts are also shown, such as her purpose of hiding the true reason of his death, which was because of her unborn child. She did not want to go to jail. Unlike the TV episode, all this makes readers feel pathos for the character, even though she has done something inexcusable and unforgivable. In the television episode, pity for the the character is much more less, since her feelings and purpose are not as explicit . Another difference is that in Dahl’s short story, since it is written in third person limited, we merely know things said by the main character or that has been said to them, but not what is said by other characters among …show more content…

For instance, in a part of Dahl’s version, Mrs. Maloney hears some phrases that detectives discuss together: “acted quite normal...very cheerful...wanted to give him a good supper...peas...cheesecake...impossible that she…” (p. 16), and for the rest of the dialogues she is either

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