
Land Immigrations And Aliens : The Mahele Of 1848

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The Mahele of 1848 was unjust. When King Kamehameha III had encountered the foreigners, he found that they were in great desire to possess their own land for the sake of themselves becoming wealthy, but still reluctantly put this fact to the side, because the Hawaiians were very caring and generous people. However, once the foreigners had gotten the land that they wanted to grow the sugarcane on, they were exploiting the Hawaiians since they knew little to nothing about real estate because of their belief system. Sure enough, the foreigners were acquiring more and more land, which ultimately left the maka’ainana with only 1% of the land on the entire island the chief lands with 0% of the whole island, and government lands diving down to 29%. With these statistics, native Hawaiians only had 30% percent of the land that had always belonged to them, leaving the foreigners with a whopping 70% of land that wasn’t supposed to belong to them, but unfortunately did anyway (Menton, and Tamura 113). The Mahele was unjust because the foreigners kept on taking advantage of the Hawaiians by auctioning off land, charge the Hawaiians for land taxes, and gouge the prices of the land so that the Hawaiians couldn’t but any land (Potter, Kasdon, and Rayson 93). One of the first changes was when the foreigners, were starting to auctioning off land. The Hawaiians were not people who believed that each person owned their own land (Potter, Kasdon, and Rayson 97). However now, foreigners took the

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