
Langston Hughes Analysis Essay

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Within these few analysis between A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes, Hope #314 by Emily Dickinson, and maggie, milly, molly, and may by E. E. Cummings. Poetry is unique writing technique, it can lead to many directions songwriting, rapping, and your traditional poetry publishings. These analysis will contain summaries, reviews of the devices on display throughout the poems, and their themes. In A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes the main question to ask yourself is, what happens to a dream when you hold off of achieving it? Does it decay? Does it become unachievable? Then does it heal, and become achievable? Since you put it off, does it hold you back from moving forward in life? Throughout the story Hughes uses many literary devices, for instance, “Maybe it just sags, like a heavy load,” in this case the simile is being used to portray that it may weigh a lot not just physically, but also mentally. Also, “ Syrupy Sweet,” is used as alliteration to express a delight for joyfulness. Finally, “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore… and then run,” in this case a metaphor is being displayed by using …show more content…

Dickinson uses the word hope to be portrayed as a symbol to be free, and that its supposed to be found within yourself. It expresses that that the pain is represented to be a storm, that kills the bird within it bringing tranquility. Some literary devices found in the text are, for example, “The bird singing that never stops,” is an example metaphor because it symbolizes the hope. Throughout the text Dickinson uses hints of difficult vocabulary that requires you to look it up to understand the meaning of the word in the context its being used in. Imagery in this text is used to show that when all odds are against you, and things get rough the storm is the symbol to showcase

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