Upon reading “The Frequency of Large Hail over the Contiguous United States” by Schaefer et al., I discovered that the abstract was both informative and confusing. This abstract was about the quality of the hail occurrence records and the geographical tendencies that could be found in those records. While the abstract was interesting and highlighted flaws in the data collection method, the abstract itself could have used some improvements. The abstract began with detailing Stan Changnon’s proclivity at studying hail occurrences. Following this was an explanation of the hail data collection process of the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). The authors then illustrated that records of hailfall were separated into discrete size categories that were compared to common objects. They acknowledged that the data records were subject to bias from technology and population distributions. For example, they found that updating weather radars increased hail reports, while urbanization biased reports away from rural areas. Schaefer et al. also showed that occurrences of small hail comprised the majority of all …show more content…
could have improved in this extended abstract. On several occasions, they used abbreviations without definitions. Some of these included “AMS”, “AUG”, “NCDC” and “NWS”. Though these abbreviations would have been common knowledge in the meteorology community, they should have still been defined with their first use. Another off-putting tendency was that the authors referred to Changnon by his first name, which was especially strange since they later referred to him by his last name. Furthermore, there were what appeared to be a few typographical errors in the abstract. For example, in Figures 4, 6, and 7, the nautical mile unit is abbreviated as “nim” instead of “nmi”. Additionally, the tense was not constant in the first paragraph. These changes would have been relative easy for the authors to
Hail storms are prevalent and occur without warning. For car owners who don’t have garage hail storm can damage their vehicle if it is larger than ½ inch in diameter. However, the best to handle hail damage is to seek assistance of a professional who is certified in repairing hail damage. People of Denver are familiar with hail storms that deliver large hail stones that can cause severe damage to anyone’s property. Denver hail damage repair are famous for handling hail damage because even as small as pea size hail can leave your vehicle with hundreds of dents.
On Saturday December 21st 2013 a powerful storm struck Southern Ontario, leaving the streets and sidewalks under a thick blanket of snow. Ice covered covered the ground in thick sheets near Lake Ontario and some parts in Quebec. In Fredricton they received freezing rain. This storm greatly affected many parts of Southern Canada and some parts of the United States. In this essay I will be focussing only on the areas in Canada that it affected. I will be discussing the different types of precipitation that fell, the areas where the storm attacked and the dangers it caused to many lives, and the impact this storm had on transportation routes and the power grid. Finally, I will be comparing how the different types of tree vegetation were able
The third and final claim is that stronger winds caused Galetown to have more severe storms. That statement is correct because stronger winds caused the air parcels to rise even higher than it would’ve been, which in turn caused more rainfall. Wind pushed the air parcel even higher in the air, in turn making the air parcel lose more energy. As we know, the higher the air parcel rises in the air, the more rain will occur than before, and even more severe storms. If you look at storm 3 and storm 4 wind strength during the severe storms, it’s a humongous difference! Storm 3 had a light wind strength, while storm 4 had a very strong wind strength. Storm 3 had 8 inches of rain and storm 4 had 12 inches of rain. Based on storm 3 and 4, they both had the same amount of local surface water and high temperatures before the storm, the only difference is wind strength. I concluded that wind strength caused Galetown to have more severe storms.
As storm relative velocity helps analyze the motion of the winds within the storm, information like the rotation of the storm and the speed of the winds can help investigate the chances of the storm developing into a tornado. If the storm appears to be a threat, nearby communities can be notified to take precautions and leave if necessary. Although base velocity can be used for the same reason, the speed of the storm can affect the results of the speed and rotation of winds. Therefore, storm relative velocity is more accurate and reliable than base velocity in determining the threat of a
The Greensburg storm was unique for several reasons. In addition to its ferocious intensity, the structure of the storm as recorded by storm chasers and weather
The article states that the Davis Mountain region is a dry environment and they want any moisture they can get, but with hail suppression it eliminates any chance of moisture thus eliminating the crops. Also the people seeding the clouds did not inform the population of what they were doing so they were never ready. although their were no laws deciding who would get the moisture and who wouldn't it was still wrong and created problems towards the area. The problem should have been thought through fully to be able to deal with other people influenced instead of being quick and causing
Tornadoes are devastating atmospheric events that affect the ecology and the lives of people in their paths. Tornadoes are defined as “a violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud, and often (but not always) visible as a funnel cloud” (Glossary of Meterology, 2011). The Tri-state tornado was the most deadly tornado in the United States. It stayed on the ground for a total of 219 miles through areas of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killed a total of 695 people, and an estimated $16.5 million in damages (National Weather Service, 2011). Luckily, the tornado’s path was largely rural farmland with scattered small towns between them. <Add thesis>
Finally, be sure to check your gutters. If the missing granules were caused by the recent hailstorm, there should be fresh granules that were washed away by the rain that came with the storm in your gutters.
“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another,” by Alfred Adler. Empathy for others is a prevalent theme in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper lee. Written in 1960 (Lee), this novel is based in a small town in Alabama called Maycomb. Scout Finch, the perspective in which the book is written, is a young girl describing her experiences in an innocent and empathic way. This town is tangled in a very tough past of racism and discrimination.
Kieu Tran manipulatively wrote her article with a concerning tone to express her opinion on what child abuse is considered in America versus other areas of the world by explaining asian ethics and giving stories on issues with child discipline when coming to America. In Tran’s article, she addresses the issue that Asians face with disciplining their children in America versus in their own country. In Asia, it is considered ok to hit your child to teach them a lesson, but in America it is considered abuse. Kieu is trying to explain to people that hitting your child once in awhile is apart of parenting and is completely different from abuse. The point she’s trying to get across is that spanking your child causing a slight, brief pain is not
A New York Times article, penned during the height of the 1888 storm captures the sense of surprise felt by east coast urbanites: “When the people began to stir to go about their daily tasks and vocations they found that a blizzard, just like those they have been accustomed to read about as occurring in the far West, had struck the city and its environs and had laid an embargo on the travel and traffic of the greatest city on the continent” (1888, web). The Times’ piece registered disbelief at the notion that something that typically was only reputed to occur in the west had struck the east coast.
Precision Hail Repair is a full-service auto body repair shop. Their offices are located in Carrollton, Texas and Lewisville, Texas. They are the innovative dent specialists. Precision Hail Repair was established in 1996. Their services include paintless dent repair, hail repair, collision service, and business services. The agencies they service include dealerships, body shops, insurance agencies, rental agencies, and leasing companies. Precision Hail Repair conducts 1 to 3 day repair. This automotive service facility can help their customers file their claim. Precision Hail Repair provides a lifetime warranty on their services. This automotive service facility has a quick turnaround. Precision Hail Repair renders quick quality response.
Although runoff and streamflow have generally decreased in the Northwest over the past century (Luce and Holden, 2009), instances of flooding – particularly in rain-dominated and ‘transition’ basins – have increased over the same period (Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 2007), and are often driven by exceptional precipitation events. Impacts are basin specific and dependent on antecedent conditions, though higher intensity storms generally result in increased flooding and runoff risk, and such events can disrupt systems ranging from ecological (e.g. Knapp et al., 2008), to agricultural (e.g. Rosenzweig et al., 2000), to urban (e.g. Rosenberg et al., 2010). Further, the synchronicity of precipitation across a basin or region has the potential to
According to the research done by the geographer Jill Coleman at Ball State University, the amount of blizzards each year has doubled in the past two decades. On the weekend of January 23rd, another historic blizzard hit the East Coast. In this article, it is stated that from the year 1960-94, the average amount of blizzards per was nine. From 1995 to now, the average is 19 per year. Overall since 1960, there have been around 700 blizzards, and that is a lot considering all of the criteria a blizzard must have to actually be qualified as a blizzard. Coleman said that the increase in blizzards could be caused by sunspot cycles because they tend to increase when there is low sunspot activity. The number of sunspots was low through the mid
The first step for a new start-up business is to establish a strong ethical culture for a firm. This is to ensure the business is operate comply with Malaysia law and regulations. A firm that operate under the business law and regulations can reduce potential costly fines, improve company image and reputation, positively motivate their employee’s job involvement and enhance customer’s loyalty.