
Law And Order In Lord Of The Flies

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The Importance of Law And Order Law and Order; a term that is so much more than just a television show. Law and order is essential to the runnings of our society, but in The Lord Of the Flies, it is also a major theme. In The Lord of The Flies, a group of English boys are stranded on an island after a plane crash. A political organization is quickly established through the oldest boy, Ralph, and another mature-looking boy named Jack, but after several arguments and events, Jack turns savage and even evil and becomes obsessed with the desire to hunt animals on the island. A legend is brought about by the younger boy’s of a large beast lurking on the island, but quickly becomes a real fear amongst the boy’s. Jack in his strong desires …show more content…

Jack and his group kill a pig, a symbol for The Lord of The Flies as a term, and turn on the few boy’s left in Ralph’s group. Simon, a young and innocent boy who follows Ralph, discovers that the lord of the flies and the beast are not physical entities, but rather a quality hidden in humans. Jack and his group kill Simon in a frenzy before he an explain is thinking, and then kill Piggy, Ralph’s closest ally on the island. Ralph runs from Jack’s group in fear for his life, but finds a naval officer to rescue them instead. The events aforementioned and the majority of the book is the result of the lack of law and order on the island. The Lord of The Flies proves the need for law and order through the division of the boy’s, the inhumane and cruel actions that take place without order, and the various uses of symbolism to portray the opinion of the author, …show more content…

They completely divide and are locked into a war against each other. Ralph and his sidekick Piggy, are at the disadvantage because Simon, another ally, had been killed and Jack’s large tribe was out to kill them too. Piggy is a representation of the intelligent and logical people in society, so he resides with Ralph in the war. When Piggy is cornered, Jack’s tribe kills him with a rock and he drops the symbol of power and authority on the island, the conch shell. "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee: the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.”(181) This quote, describing the death of Piggy and the destruction of the conch shell, reveals the opinion on the author, Golding, on law and order. The conch shell is a repeated

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