
Law Enforcement Body Cameras An Invasion Of Privacy

Satisfactory Essays

I sincerely believe that law enforcement body cameras are not an invasion of privacy; they are needed protection! They are worn by law enforcement officers, who often, have a difficult job protecting and serving our communities effectively. Body cameras are used to record encounters between the police officer and civilians. By videotaping/monitoring interactions, crime scenes, and/or other situations for factual evidence, hopefully, the judicial process should be balanced and fair. Without the use of a body camera, which is an integral part of a law enforcement officer’s body armor, there would be less credible evidence on altercations between the police officer and the public. We are taught that purpose of law enforcement in our society is to protect each citizen’s rights and property, by upholding their worn duty when serving our communities. To complete this important task, the use of body cameras has proven to be a useful tool in monitoring, enhancing, and fostering the appropriate behavior of the police and/or the suspect without the expectation of privacy. In reality, law enforcement body cameras are not an invasion of privacy in our today’s society because of cell phones, iPads, and cop shows, etc. With this in mind, one could argue that the title is obsolete due to social media’s invasion in our life! Often, the public videotape police encounters, and immediately, the situations are posted on the Internet in hopes of informing the public and forcing the police to

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