
Lawyer Case Questions

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Five Questions You Should Ask Your Lawyer Regarding a Medical Personal Injury Any medial injury can have devastating consequences to you and your family. You may require months and months of medical care and rehabilitation. Depending on the type of injury you have, the damages can be detrimental to your life for years to come. Consulting with the correct lawyer is going to be a key component in dealing with your individual case. When you are already experiencing pain, uncomforting symptoms and stress, getting it right from the start is going to prove useful. Asking the right questions right from the get go is going to help you in determining if you are with the right person or not. Here are some of the top questions to ask: 1. How many personal …show more content…

Do they have a plan of action? Does this person sound like they are willing to go the extra mile to help you? Do they understand the severity of the consequences you are suffering? This question alone will help you to obtain some much needed information. 3. How many years have you been practicing law for? This is a very important question. A lawyer who is younger and has not been around for long will not have the same perspective and expertise as an older lawyer. Gaining an understanding of the depth of experience the attorney has, will prove very useful. The legal team at has many of years of expertise working in personal injury law. In addition you will want to discover what type of law; this particular lawyer is passionate about. 4. What will you need from? This is a very telling question, as you will want to know what is needed from your side. It is imperative that you are fully involved in the process right from the start. It should be seen as a partnership with two people working towards the same goal. There should not be any power imbalances and you should be kept in the loop the entire time. Knowing what you will need to do is a fundamental question when making an assessment from your legal

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