
Learning To Read By Frederick Douglass Analysis

Decent Essays

In “Learning to Read”, Frederick Douglass reflects on the critical and empowering aspects of his life that contributed to his success and shaped his attitude towards learning. During his early years, Douglass was not able to learn through formal schooling. He encountered many teachers throughout painful and distressing moments of his life, which played a vast role in shaping the perceptions of his literacy. Douglass’s narrative is able to illustrate his persistence and tenacity as an individual. He later began to regret those aspects of himself, as he became the most educated among the other slaves during his time. Douglass often felt discouraged by his literacy and knowledge. However, his education later allowed him to escape the harsh and brutal aspects of slavery and contribute his efforts to fighting against it. As the narrative continues, the negative and positive aspects of Douglass’s literacy become evident, as he shares his experiences as a self-taught slave who gained freedom and became emancipated. Similarly to Douglass, I have experienced many positive and negative aspects of learning that have altered and shaped my attitude towards school.
After I graduated from middle school and entered high school, I experienced numerous changes throughout my learning and education. During my freshman year of high school, I was able to apply the skills, concepts, and knowledge that I learned throughout my years in middle school, which allowed me to gain success as a student. I

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