
Legal And Ethical Implications Of Expanding Business Into Japan

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As one of the US’s most successful corporations looking to expand I was hired to provide officials with the necessary information in regards to legal and ethical implications of expanding business into Japan. The success of this company has flourished under its current management whose dedication to the business and their leadership have insight the interest of different customers. Management 's aptitude for building relationships are critical to the business and has put the company in a position where financially it can afford to successfully expand the company into the western market. The company 's plan is to expand into the Japanese market which intertwines with the direction of the company to offer services customers …show more content…

Under a two-year consent decree, Mercury Air Centers Inc. agreed to pay the settlement amount to at least seven employees who were allegedly subjected to "a barrage of harassing comments" by a Salvadoran co-worker at Bob Hope Airport. Rather than respond to the employees ' complaints about the alleged harasser, the company promoted the alleged harasser to supervisor, the Commission alleged.

EEOC v. Mercury Air Centers Inc., No. 08-6332 (C.D. Cal. consent decree filed Aug. 9, 2010) which violates the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Japanese Human Rights Act.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is second in discussion which, applies to all companies operating out of the United States. The standard of way to conduct business here in the United States and Japan are to be acknowledged because of the cultural differences. The law requires U.S. organizations to represent and report global exchanges precisely and demoralize the activities of officials that attempt accept any kind of pay off, or monetary motivators in return for opportune and favorable business decisions. While in Japanese business, culturally it might be seen as sign of good gesture to offer government officials financial gains in order to get business advantages, unlike in the United States where it is illegal to do so. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977- is a U.S. Federal Law that

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