
Legal Positivists : Legal Positivism

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Legal positivism offers a definition of laws as a written declaration made by government officials that have legal power to control certain aspects of society and human conduct (Himma, 2004). Legal positivist recognize all rules, regulations, principles and other forms of law that come from an authorized government body or official (Himma, 2004). But Legal positivist do not recognize laws, principles or any form of law or behavior modifier that does not come directly from an authorized government official (George, 1996). Any behavioral norms will not be recognized but legal norms are deemed as enforceable by the police power of the government (George, 1996). Legal positivism is often put in contrast with natural law because they are basically opposites.
This Constitution would not meet the approval of the Legal positivist. The fact that no government official had any part in the creation of these laws, legal positivist will not view these laws as enforceable or valid (George, 1996). Legal positivist respect credible sources, the Annunaki will not serve as a credible source in legal positivist eyes. The legal positivist view laws as social construction that are meant to help shape society in a positive and productive manner (George, 1996). The laws that the Annunaki Gods, do not fit into the theory of legal positivism.
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes is a philosopher accredited with introducing the theory of the Social Contract theory (Hobbes, 1998). Hobbes doted on the

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