
Legalization Of Prostitution : The United States From The Beginning Of English Settlements

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Prostitution has underlyingly lingered in the history of the United States from the beginning of English settlements. In the industrial times, five percent of the population of women working were prostitutes. During the migration to the West, prostitutes were the majority- if not the only women in boom towns. Not until 1875, were there any laws officially banning prostitution. The Page law was created when Chinese immigrant women become prostitutes or second wives to European men. The law banned immigrant women from immoral purposes. Moving further in time, in 1949, a United Nations convention met in the purpose for the decriminalization of prostitution. Forty-eight countries decided to endorse it, the United States voted against it. "Sex workers are fighters. They aren 't young girls begging in a freezing Dickensian fog; they aren 't "Pretty Women" looking for Prince Charming; they aren 't victimized teenage runaways exploited by savage pimps; they don 't have golden hearts; and they aren 't crack hos neglecting their babies to find a fix. They aren 't American or Jamaican gigolos looking to fleece middle-aged women or gay hustlers cruising for sugar daddies. And some sex workers may look like these stereotypes, yet they are fighters too.” (Chateauvert 1). In our lifetime we have seen those fight for gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. Despite the controversy and personal moral issues, prostitution should also be legalized in the United States. Just as Marijuana

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