
Essay about Legalize Euthanasia

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Euthanasia is very controversial topic in the world today. Euthanasia, by definition, is the act of killing someone painlessly ,especially someone suffering from an incurable illness. Many people find euthanasia morally wrong, but others find people have control over thier own bodies and have a right to die. A solution to this problem is to have the patient consent to euthansia and have legal documentation of the consent. Euthanasia and assisted suicide is a rising controversial problem in the world. Many people are against the idea of helping someone 'kill themselves'. This is a problem because many people who have had fatal incidents and are left with chronic conditions live everyday in pain, mental suffering, and emotional suffering. …show more content…

Another reason why the solution would work is the pateint would have to give verbal consent or written consent in order for the procedure to occur. The euthanization would not occur without the consent of the patient and legal documentation of the consent. This would ensure that it is the patient is making the decision and that there is no foul play. This would further allow doctors to see the patient understands the decision to be euthanized. This also means the patient would be awake. The decision could not be made when the patient is in acoma. The final reason why this solution would work is the only patients permitted to be euthanized are those that physically can not recover and return to normal function. This restriction would protect those with emotional and phycological problems. This would help those individuals to seek help, and medical treatment, instead of suicide. Some would argue that euthansia is inhumane and a wrongful act. Euthansia is a way of painlessly killing someone, especially one who is suffering. When a beloved pet is suffering, that pet is euthanized to cause it no more pain. When a human being is suffering, they are forced to hang on, even if they don't want to, until they pass on thier own. In the United States, every citizen has a right to have a living will, which is a document written by someone still legally capable requesting that he should be allowed to die if subsequently severely disabled or suffering

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