
Lennie Smalls Mental Illness

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Lennie Smalls, age thirty-three, died on August 26th, 1935. Lennie was a friendly, innocent migrant worker who was born with a mental handicapped disorder. Although he was gentle and kind, Lennie did not know the strength he possessed. This resulted in him killing many animals such as mice and hurting other people.Lennie lived with his Aunt Clara until she died, and then stayed with George, his best friend and caretaker. Lennie always depended on George for knowledge and protection. However, other than his Aunt Clara, Lennie’s parents and other family members are unknown. Also, Lennie ’s interests included taking care of rabbits, dogs, and his love for petting small objects like animal fur. His ambition for the future was to own his own farm. …show more content…

After searching numerous places, Lennie and George found a place to work in a ranch in Salinas Valley. There, Lennie made friends with Slim, Candy, and Crooks. However, one day, Lennie squeezed a puppy too tightly and ended up killing it. Worried that George would find out and not let him “Tend the rabbits”, Lennie buried the puppy inside a barn. Right at the moment, Curley’s Wife walked in and demanded Lennie to tell her what he was hiding. After Lennie showed her the dead puppy, Lennie explained how it was an accident, and that he just liked to touch soft things. Curley’s wife, a flirtatious women, misunderstood him and invited Lennie to pet her soft hair. After that, Lennie touched her hair, and when asked to stop, he became scared and held on tighter. This resulted in Curley’s wife to scream loudly. Not knowing what to do, Lennie covered her mouth with his hand and killed her. When Lennie realized she was dead, he ran to the bush that George told him to go to if he ever was in trouble. Later on, when George found out that Lennie killed Curley’s Wife, he was petrified. He knew that there was no escape for Lennie, and that Curley would kill him in a brutal

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