
Leonardo Da Vinci And The Renaissance

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Roughly between the times of the 14th and 17th centuries a cultural movement called the Renaissance existed. The Renaissance housed some of the greatest intellects, such as Leonardo da Vinci, and a radically different way of thinking emerged. Humanism developed largely and rapidly among this time, and was greatly influenced by a man named Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536). Erasmus, a Dutchman, originally lived among monasteries where he developed many opposing views during his years of service. In the midst of the Renaissance, around the 16th century, the Reformation movement began to splinter the faiths of Europe. Some say that Erasmus bridged the ideals of the Renaissance and Reformation movements. Among his many contributions to the humanist drive, he wrote many colloquies originally intended for teaching Latin to school children, which doubled as underlying preaching of Erasmus’s ideals. A collection of a variety of these stories entitled the “Ten Colloquies” written by Erasmus shows specific examples of the tethering of Renaissance to the Reformation largely on the theme of ad fontes.
One of Erasmus known standards was the importance of going back to the sources. During the Renaissance, born in Florence, this was very common thought, as it was a period of admiration of early Greek and Roman culture, intellect, and art. This began to pave some of the ways of many reformers mainly as they begin to question the practices of the Catholic Church. Many began to question where

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