
Leonid Meteors

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One the night of November 17th, 2015 you will be able to see the annual Leonid meteor shower with its peak happening close to dawn on the morning of November 18th, 2015. Researchers are predicting about 15 meteors per hour around the time of peak. According to researchers you may even be able to see a shooting star every three minutes on average. The moon will be a waxing crescent so the researchers predict that if you observe close to moon set around 10 p.m. chances are slim that you will see a meteor.

The term Leonid refers to the tale of following the meteor trails backward to the point where it meets with the Sickle asterism which is a group of bright stars that can resemble a question mark. To spot Leo you need to first locate the Big Dipper and poke a hole in the bottom. As the water falls from the bottom of the bowl you can sometimes hear Leo roar as the water falls on him. …show more content…

The last Leonid shower occurred on February 28th, 1998 and now in 2015 in a period which lasts from November 6th-November 30th with its prime intense meteor sightings lasting about 2-3 hours on average. You can best view these meteors in a dark field miles from a nearest city using only your eyes and only using binoculars to view any possible smoke

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