
Letter About Human Trafficking

Decent Essays

I am writing this letter to congratulate you on your 2012, forming of The Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force to marshal the state’s resources to provide wraparound services for victims and punish the perpetrators of this horrible crime. You are making progress, but the work left to be done is great. As you know human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Victims are forced, defrauded, or coerced into trafficking. The most common age in Ohio for children to become victims of trafficking is 13 years old, and the number of Ohio children who become victims of human trafficking each year could fill a large high school. Many are likely unfamiliar with research indicating that …show more content…

The United States, which is shaped by a culture that somewhat glamorizes pimping and prostitution. Growing numbers of children and youths are lured into commercial sex trade businesses "to service the demand resulting from the normalization and promotion of commercial sex across America". (Shared Hope International, n.d.-b, p. 2), resulting in what has essentially become a "shopping mall where buyers can choose from a variety of human products of various ages and colors". In addition to those on the streets, America's youngest also become victims through the Internet. Not only do traffickers advertise children online for sexual purposes through hundreds of Web sites, but they search for victims through social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Recent research by Shared Hope International (n.d.-d) conducted across 10 cities in the United States found that the Internet was used in all 10 locations as a means for selling children for sexual purposes (Shared Hope International, n.d.-d). Sexual slaves live in deplorable conditions and lack hygiene, increasing the chance of getting sick and transmit sexual diseases. Since human trafficking is an illegal business, the places where they take place do not meet health and safety standards. The trafficking industry also generates violence, increasing the number of victims and death people in the country. We find them not only doing sexual work, but in all areas such agriculture, domestic service, construction work and factories. Many theories in the idea of human trafficking. Due to the low cost that owners that have to pay for this kind of slavery, businesses become very profitable. The lack of jobs, low wages and high cost of living caused by inflation creates an opportunity to human traffickers. Trafficked people usually are seduced with untruthful promises of employment, better pay and security. The reason why they become an easy

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