
Lev Vygotsky And The Zone Of Proximal Development

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Lev Vygotsky and the Zone of Proximal Development
Under normal circumstances, a child will physically develop without outside assistance. While there can be variations by way of culture, class, and ability, it is difficult to contest that human nature is the driving force behind the bodily changes that take place from birth until adulthood. In contrast, when it comes to determining the ways in which a child thinks and learns, there are numerous theories on what primarily influences cognitive growth and development. One theorist that offered an innovative look into this latter process was Russian born psychologist, Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky theorized that children learn by doing, and their process of development is primarily influenced by the people and the systems that comprise their environment. What made him stand out from other theorists of the time is that instead of centering his ideas in behavior, Vygotsky instead focused on the learning process and the potential for a child to learn. He showed the value pairing learning with a practical application, and that in doing so, it could make for more effective learning on the part of the child. The result of such a theory was that provided families and educators an insight on how they might be able to influence the development experience for a child.
Lev Vygotsky was born and raised in Communist Russia. When he first made his mark in the world of child development, it was not as an educator, but rather a psychologist. Due the

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