
Lewis And Clark Dbq Analysis

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The American travelers Lewis, and Clark embarked on a journey, discovering new lands and space bought from the French. Along the way they encountered numerous tribes, and numerous Natives who have aided them in many ways, but new evidence states that the legendary cartographers were in fact very impolite people. Many people debate about it, but were Lewis and Clark respectful to the Natives they met on their journey? They weren’t in fact respectful at all. They left a medal on a dead Native to sprout fear between the people, and rid the Natives of their land to poor soil, as well as used their own belief and religion against them. According to Lewis’s diary entry (Doc B), “While the men were preparing the horses, I put four shields and two bows and quivers of arrows which had been left [by the Indians] on the fire… I also retook the flag but left the medal about the neck of the dead man that they might be informed who were.” Lewis left the medal on the deceased male to inform the others who they were. This means that they want to make the people of the tribe aware of who was “in charge”, and what would happen if anyone stepped out of line. This is disrespectful because that was a person they cared about and to mock, and use him inhumanely is truly preposterous! …show more content…

Instead of simply showing gratitude for the aid on their journey, they are kicked off their land and given poorer, underutilized grounds to live upon. The white people took land that was already theirs and decided to purposely cause cultural-genocide for the Natives. This shows rudeness and disrespect because the Natives aided them, and without their help Lewis and Clark would be lost and probably

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