
Lia's Change In Wintergirls By Laurie Halse Anderson

Decent Essays

Lia’s Change

Using four concepts from the novel Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, I created a visual that showed Lia’s change physically and mentally. Showing her past life and choices and how she wants to become. By putting the seaglass in the middle separating the two visions. As the two figures stand on opposite sides of each other, the glass is in the way to show how they want to see themselves. Lia when she's normal weight, wants to see herself as a thin stick figure, but when Lia becomes that she ends up wanted to be her old self and recover to actually create a future. The sea glass is broken or shattered to show the fact her goal “to be the skinniest” won't come work, and it also shows how she doesn't want to improve her habits. On the left side where the smaller figure is shown, she is …show more content…

The snow shows how she has no body fat to keep her warm making her cold, and that she is not dead nor alive throughout the book. But on the other side the snow is melting, which represents her healing herself and wanting to get better. The snow and sea glass are stained. They are stained by blood to show Lia’s self harming. Self harming to Lia was a way express her pain from her being ill. Now since she's decided to tell her therapist everything, and make it a way to express her feelings. Cutting is a past thing to Lia now because she has someone there for her. Last but not least, the scale. The whole piece is mounted on a scale to show the underlying topic of the story, anorexia and bulimia. In the beginning of the novel Lia weighed 108-109 pounds and as the novel proceeded the numbers decreased, as low as they could till she got to danger zone. Those are the four symbols I have chosen to

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