
Lies In George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'

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Lies. The most detrimental thing to assert to one another. It is absolutely horrific to make someone ponder of an idea that is the total opposite of what needs to be thought about. Like Georg C. Lichtenberg an inspiring writer once said “The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted.” In other words if someone asserts a lie the most inferior thing someone can do is slightly alter the actual truth. In George Orwell’s detailed fable Animal Farm, Squealer , a self centered and obeying pig to Napoleon asserted lies to others on the farm in order to make Napoleon look beneficial as the president of Animal Farm . The inspirntianl statement by Georg C. Lichtenberg applies to Animal Farm because Squealer told lies that were slightly changed from the original truth it what was happening. The lies that were told made the oher animals think Napoleon was doing a significant job but actually all Napoleon was doing was hurting the farm tremendously. …show more content…

. When someone tells a lie they are trying to artifice someone into believing something else which is very disrespectful. People who assert lies face consequences,such as having the reputation of being not trustworthy. When one has a reputation of being trustworthy people would not want to be friends with that person and would not want to communicate with them. .A real life example that resembles that lying is detrimental is when a person running for something lies about what they have done they can lose their votes. This would be a major complication for the one who lied. All in all lies are the most horrific thing one can say to another because this can mislead one to many

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