
Life Event Research Paper

Decent Essays

Life Events 2016-2017

I’ve had many good and bad life events in my life so far from 2016 to 2017. Many of them changed my life and many of them left a dent in my life. They changed who I am today and glad they did. These are some turning points that have happened in my life.

2016, in the end of 5th grade, my parents officially got divorced and went to court dealing and working through the changes. Because of that, my parents now live separately, which is hard in my life now because some days I can’t see my mom or some days I can’t see my dad. At this time period, I struggled a lot in school and couldn’t focus. Though they might be divorced and separated, they luckily are now happier than before! We now have a schedule to organize things. Me and my sisters stay at my mother's house during the school week, while on the weekends, we stay at my father's home. This affected me in a bad and good way. Bad thing is that switching houses and having the leave or go to each others house, it's quite complicated, but the good thing is that I finally have my own room and my parents are much happier. …show more content…

His name is Charlie and he is 2 years old. My mother wasn’t able to afford to buy an actual dog so her close friend had some extra dogs and gave one to her for free! He is so nice and an amazing dog. He is quiet at the most and shows everyone lots of love by cuddling and kisses! He is an amazing dog and me and my family are super thankful to have him! This so far is one of my favorite things that happened so far this year in 2017 and it affected me because he made all my stress go away and brought so much happiness to my

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