
Life Lessons Learned In Wednesday Wars By Holling Hoodhood

Satisfactory Essays

Life is full of lessons. In the book Wednesday Wars Holling Hoodhood learns the importance of these life lessons. Holling Hoodhood faces many challenges that help him realize the importance of life lessons as they help him grow. The life lessons that he learns are mercy, courage, and friendship. In this essay you will see Holling Hoodhood's life lessons. One of the life lessons that Holling learns is mercy. Holling's first way he learned mercy was when Mrs. Baker replaces the cream puffs that Holling had bought for the class and got spoiled by Sycorax and Calliban the rats. The second way Holling learned mercy was when a bus driver and Christmas eve gave Holling a free bus ride and a free baseball to gat signed by Mickey Mantle the baseball player. Finally, the last way Holling learns mercy is when he gives mercy to Meryl Lee as she shared Holling's father's plan for the new junior high school to her father who copied plan. These situations made Holling realize the true meaning of mercy. …show more content…

Holling first learned the true meaning of mercy when he saved his sister. He knew that the bus could not stop it time, but because he loved his sister he was willing to risk his life for her and showed his courage. The second way that Holling learns about courage is when he confronted his father after Danny's Bar Mitzva. Holling and his father were having an argument of how Holling does not want to follow his father's footstep and how wants to be anything he wants to be. This was also the first time that anyone from his family won an argument with Holling's dad. Finally, Holling learns the true meaning of courage when he defeated the 8th grade bullies in a cross-country match. He tried to win even when he knew that the bullies will revenge and maybe do something to him. That showed courage. All these situations showed that Holling learned the true meaning of

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