
Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Ann Jacobs Essay

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Gwynedd Mercy University is a Catholic University founded and sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy. The Sisters of Mercy commit to serving, advocating for, and praying for those in need all over the world. They work passionately to reduce critical concerns that are prevalent in today’s society; for example, issues consisting of denial of human rights, degradation of the earth, violence, and racism. Although multiple critical concerns could fit, the critical concern of denial of human rights was most present in the novel, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, written by Harriet Ann Jacobs. Slavery would have been a huge concern for the Sisters of Mercy to work against, given their work was being done in America; however, slavery in the United States began in the 1600s and The first Sisters of Mercy arrived in the United States from Ireland in 1843. The Sisters of Mercy’s concern of denial of human rights exists not only in the novel, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl but also in present-day society. All human beings have the fundamental right to their life, their liberty, and their property, it even states this in the Declaration of Independence. In slavery, and in this novel, slaves were denied all three. The main critical concern of denial of human rights existed throughout the entire novel, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Linda, the main character, not only was not allowed to own her own home, but she was also the physical property of Dr. Flint. He tries to

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