
Light And Dark In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare’s famous Romeo and Juliet displays an outstanding role of light and dark imagery throughout the play. The 2 arguments that will be displayed within are, without the presence of darkness in the character’s lives, there can be no light or silver linings, and without any light, there can be no darkness to make the light a struggle to reach, only making the light seem more rewarding. The other point is how the thought of power over other people can overrule integrity. As Francis Bacon said, “ In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”.

Without dark, there can be no light, and without any light, there can be no darkness. This principle is brought up many times in Romeo and Juliet discreetly and out of sight. One of the main …show more content…

The first time that he saw Juliet, in act 1 scene 5, he explained that “ she doth teach the torches to burn bright! ”. The darkness that surrounds the play's plot, with many of the important characters dying, and one of them, Benvolio, a close friends to Romeo. However, with this darkness, came Juliet, a solution to all the pain that is felt. Romeo’s desperation for Rosaline’s love left him sad and shameful, however the second he laid eyes on the beautiful Juliet, he felt saved and the darkness of Rosaline‘s rejection completely disappeared with Juliet’s light. There is also another darker force that is inevitable, with light, comes another layer of darkness, hurt and suffering. With the presence of Juliet, came to Romeo, another quest to defeat a greater force. Himself. Since most of Romeo’s world now revolved around Juliet, he could not imagine the pain that would be

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