
Light And Light In Macbeth

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In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the connection between light and dark mirroring morality and vision is thoroughly explored through the evolving madness that is Macbeth’s mind. He enters wave after wave of inner turmoil, at times being cast in the dark and other times aware of the cruelty of his acts. The concept of lightness in the play serves to symbolize innocence, purity, and truth while darkness shapes the blossoming corruption and guilt that runs parallel to the superficial action of the play. Shakespeare utilizes the poetical mechanism of contrasting elements to emphasize the characters’ actions that lead to their psychological downfalls as well as to link the idea of lightness to vision and conscious well-being. The majority of the play revolves around Macbeth’s fluctuating ambition towards securing the crown. His desire is ignited by the prophetic perspectives of the witches, who plant in him a need for personal advancement. Although Macbeth begins with the morality of human nature, it is soon clear that it shifts into a vaulting greed for power. Lightness is used in the beginning of Act I to symbolize the honor brave soldiers are worthy of as they fight to preserve dignity and truth: “... But signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine / On all deservers. -- From hence to Inverness / And bind us further to you.” (I.iv, 47-49) The imagery of light is used when King Duncan names Malcolm as his successor to the throne and praises Macbeth for his heroism in battle, saying

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