
Linda Loman And Willy's Relationship

Decent Essays

Death of a Salesman Act 1 In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, through the character of Linda Loman, Miller implies all humans need to be shown respect even if they aren’t seen as being successful. In the beginning of the story, Willy and Linda argue over Biff not being successful in Willy’s eyes. “He was crestfallen, Willy. You know how he admires you. I think if he finds himself, then you’ll both be happier and not fight anymore” (5). As seen here, Linda tries to convince Willy to respect Biff’s choices in life. She tells Willy to let Biff figure himself out so they won’t argue anymore. Linda implies that Biff is unhappy when his father disrespects him as Linda says, “you’ll both be happier.” Maybe if Biff received

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